
WHAT CAN WE DO TODAY? (Circle time, Indoor Play, English Lesson, Craft)


CIRCLE TIME! We did the usual daily routine at first. (day,date,weather,season). Taiga was the leader today. We sung and did the gestures of some English songs. Since the kids interests was present during the Phonics activity, we continued reviewing the past lessons such as the different animals and body parts. We had the Bingo Game  as well. Lions and Bears helped the Monkey team during the Bingo Game.

INDOOR PLAY! Since it was raining in the morning, the kids played legos. They build some animal like structures, buildings, and transport. Some enjoyed coloring.

Monkey Team's English Lesson! They had phonics chant at first. Letters Gg,Hh,Ii. They learned letter Ff. They gave some examples. To test if they could identify the letter Ff, they accomplished the maze from the Workbook. The kids practiced writing it also.

CRAFT TIME! The kids continued making the "Uchiwa Craft". It was made of washi paper which they dyed yesterday.