





Circle Time, Lesson and Playing in Dai-ni Park


Circle Time!
Hello! Everybody sing the Good Morning song, days of the week and jump for the months in a year! Most of the kids actively participate every time. There are also kids that likes to roam around.
We sing the I am a music man song!

Let's gather in a circle formation for our lesson today! It is about musical instruments. Most of the kids can identify and name the instruments like drum, tambourine, piano, maracas and more. Some knows how this instrument should be play, so they are doing the gesture. Then each of them matches the instrument to its shadow. Good job everyone! 


Our lunch meal for today! Thank you very much!


Circle Time and Playing in Ochiba Park


Circle Time!
Good Morning! Let's danced the Baby Shark, our daily energizer! Find the letters of MONDAY on our alphabet wall. The kids were confused and they pointing to the beginning letter of their names. When the Walking in the Jungle song is played, the kids like holding hands. 

Playing in Ochiba Park!
It's a sunny day and everybody loves the temperature. It is not very cold. They take off their jacket for that reason. As always, they like scooping the wet sand to mold something like cars, ice cream, pudding. There are flowering plants in the park too. Some of them kept on watching the other kindergarten kids on the slide from a distance. It is still dangerous for the Panda team. The slide is too high for them.

It's lunch time!