
Earthquake Drill, Playing in the Terrace, Circle Time


Earthquake Drill!
Suddenly, unexpected earthquake occurred when everyone was playing! Everybody gathered in the middle of the room. Then we went outside quietly. The teacher explained what to do in case of earthquake to the easiest and simplest wordings and gestures so that the kids are able to understand it. Good job kids!

Playing in the Terrace!
We played for only few minutes outside since it was very cold today. All of them had fun pretending to have yogurt, ice and ice cream by filling the cups and cones with stones.

Circle Time!
Let's have alphabet phonics!
Are you ready to put the windows in our home? Most of us live in a tall house! Let's put some windows today!

Yoga is the new kids' favorite! They are trying their best to do each routine. They end up laughing with each other!

Udon for Friday's lunch!

See you all next week!