
Circle time, Indoor play, Water play


Circle Time!
Hello! Hello! Nice to meet you! Everybody walk! Walk, walk! Let's all shake hands! Let's sing and do the Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Incy Wincy Spider and Anpanman song.

Let's discover more about insects! Look! This pictures are so big! They look like giant insects today!

Are you ready? Let's pretend and do the animals and insects actions!

Indoor Play: Cooking Pretend Play!

Animal Lego is  waiting! Let's collect them and be in the zoo. I am a zookeeper! I have an animal train!

Water Play!
We're just two again in this cute pink pool! I really enjoy transferring water from the water sprinkler to the cups. They have Anpanman and friends character!

It's lunch time!