
Circle Time, Watermelon Craft, Water Play, and Rabbit's Lesson

 Rabbit's Lesson

Today's lesson is on phonics. Scribble and draw the zigzag line. Learn, trace and color letter Jj on the workbook.

Water Play! 3 kids are enjoying the water play! Splish splash of water everywhere! I'm holding and playing with my favorite water toys. My other friends like the cups, elephant sprinkler, teapot and pet bottles.

Circle Time! Today is Tuesday and it's cloudy! Let's sing and do the gestures of the Hello song, days and months song, and weather song!

Let's learn more about insects! We will complete these two puzzle pieces. Good job everybody for you found the pair easily. We have a butterfly, caterpillar, dragon fly, grasshopper, lady bug, bee, and spider.

Let's scribble some watermelon seeds! It is so much fun! I am using the black crayon for the seeds. 

Another delicious lunch meal for today!